未来之路 – Strategic Plan

未来之路 Mission Action Plan 将有助于引导PG电子游戏成为我们当前资源和机会的好管家, 当我们勇敢地为未来做准备时,拥抱我们所需要的变化,同时保持对过去的忠诚, 并专注于我们在基督教信仰和价值观的启发下提供卓越教育的使命.

Institutional Aims

Hardin-Simmons 社区 -由高度投入的学生组成的不断发展和多样化的凝聚力学习社区, 父母, 教师, 工作人员, 政府, 校友, and other friends dedicated to advancing the Hardin-Simmons Vision and Mission.

受欢迎的选择 -在德克萨斯州寻求基督教信仰教育的学生的首选大学.

Academic所有y Excellent -在基督教信仰和价值观的启发下,通过优秀的教师提供的综合课程取得卓越的学术成就.

财务状况良好 —  Operating with multiple revenue streams, 平衡的预算, and financi所有y sustainable long-term with adequate savings.

创新的领导者 — Implementing the integration of leadership, 基督教的部, 美术, 科学, 技术, 工程, 数学, 和其他学科丰富的文科基础,以满足学生的需求和不断变化的就业市场的需求.

Campus Life Experience -在一流的设施中改变生活的校园体验,加强课程和活动,帮助吸引和留住学生.

活跃的校友 -忠实于大学董事会的校友和其他朋友, supporting programs, engaged in recruiting, and participating in university sponsored activities.


S-1. Christian Distinctiveness.  通过注入基督教神学的研究,增强PG电子游戏的基督教特色, 值, 并将原则融入到学习的结构中,从而丰富学生的整体体验.

S-2. 项目评审.  评估和改进现有课程,并开发新课程,以满足学生不断变化的需求, strengthen the university, and promote its Vision and Mission.

S-3. 财务实力.  透过多元化的财政收入来源,以及在多年预算规划过程中推行强有力的财政管理,改善大学的财务状况.

S-4. 统一的计划.  Operate under a unified 招生, 学术, and PG电子官方免费下载 plan to remove barriers, real and perceived, and thereby increase access to excellence in education for more students.

S-5. Campus Relationships. Promote and improve campus community relationships between students, 教师, 工作人员, and 政府.

S-6. 教师 and 工作人员 Engagement. Enrich the 教师 and 工作人员 experience through collaboration, 培训, improved organizational structure, outcomes evaluation, 和福利.

S-7. Facilities Master Plan. Implement a facilities master plan to improve, 适当的维护, 通过解决延期维修问题来扩大大学的基础设施, 重构, building facilities and significantly improve campus 技术.

S-8. Marketing and Communications Plan. Execute a marketing and communications plan that clearly, 团结地, and consistently exemplifies the Hardin-Simmons brand, supports and enhances strategies to create new student growth, and fosters positive engagement among our stakeholders including employees, 校友, and external audiences.

S-9. Accreditation and Recognition. Successfully complete the SACS 5th Year Report and move into the Top 20 of U.S. PG电子游戏 and World Report’s Regional University’s West Division.

S-10. 战略合作伙伴. Collaborate with the university’s strategic partners – local, 状态, national and international (religious, 非营利性的, 业务, 教育, 政府, and cultural organizations) – to accomplish common goals.

“前进之路”是我们帮助指导PG电子游戏学生社区的长期战略计划, 校友, 教师 and 工作人员 to be good stewards of our present resources, 当我们勇敢地为未来做准备,同时又忠于过去时,拥抱我们所需要的变化, 并在我们的使命中团结一致,提供受基督教信仰和价值观启发的教育.

For many years, the HSU strategic plan has emphasized ten goals:

  • Develop a culture of innovation, diversity, and openness to change
  • Maintain and enhance the Christian distinctiveness of campus
  • Develop a unified marketing and imaging plan
  • Significantly improve campus 技术
  • Enrich the total 教师/工作人员 experience
  • Enrich the total student experience
  • Grow total 招生
  • Develop new programs and evaluate existing programs
  • Dramatic所有y improve, maintain, and expand facilities
  • Enhance financial condition and resources

Long-term strategic plan

四年多前,经过多次思考和祈祷,HSU开始在竞争日益激烈的市场中取得长期成功. 未来之路 c所有s for ongoing evaluation of 所有 学术课程,以确保HSU提供合适的课程,更好地使我们的学生在不断变化的世界中竞争. While requiring difficult decisions, the plan has been overwhelmingly endorsed by the 校董会.


“前进之路”代表了对HSU一直以来的投资:人——不仅仅是来自我们校园的人, but also those to whom we serve. 除此之外, our plan includes buildings, enhanced 技术, and expanded offerings, 我们将利用这些元素使HSU成为一个持续的仆人PG电子游戏社区,他们参与思想并培养明天的基督教领袖的精神.

To be good stewards of our present resources

“前进之路”的诞生是出于一种愿望,即成为当前学生和校友托付给我们的资源的良好管理者, and by the generations of students who have preceded us. Being good stewards required us to close a longstanding HSU operating deficit. As we continue to pursue the plan, “前进之路”将帮助我们规划一条道路,使我们能够为后代的学生保留宝贵的资源, 以经济有效的方式提供当前学生想要和未来学生需要的课程. 我们的目标是为一所大学提供长期的财务稳定,这是我们所珍视的.

To embrace the change required of us as we boldly prepare for the future

实施战略计划已经并将继续要求对HSU的所有项目进行严格的评估, including 学术s. 在某些情况下, 做出了艰难的选择,也减少了这些项目的教职员工. These people are beloved members of our community, and the programs have left their mark on many of us. 我们理解这些变化对我们社区中的一些人来说是具有挑战性的. Rest assured these decisions were not made lightly or hastily. 我们正在关闭一些大门,以便打开更多的大门,并有意做出艰难的决定,以确保HSU未来的成功.

While staying true to our past

迈向未来,无论多么小心翼翼,永远是一次对未知的冒险. 在未来的日子里,HSU将继续以我们社区所知的价值观和传统为指导:这是我们的价值观和传统. Methods may change, but principles never do. 129年来, Hardin-Simmons University has sought to “bring students to Christ, to teach them of Christ, and to train them for Christ.” That will never change.

And to be united in our mission

“前进之路”正在推进中大的使命,即提供受基督教信仰和价值观启发的教育. 我们已经采取并将继续实施的措施将使HSU更好地为未来129年和未来几代人履行这一使命.

在制定和实施“未来之路”的过程中,我们将继续致力于追求卓越. 我们会为计划的每一项主要措施订立明确的里程碑和目标, including financial, 招生, PG电子官方免费下载, 学术s and facilities. 我们也明白,我们有责任让您了解情况,并在整个过程中保持公开对话. 在这些重要倡议取得进展的同时,我们将尽一切努力做到这一点.

Prior Correspondence 

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